This post is honestly for EVERYONE since I truly believe all of us need more self care but it will be based off self care while being a mama since that is a huge part of my life and self care has changed since having children.

What is self care? I don’t mean the definition you look up in the dictionary or ask siri but what is it to you and what meaning does it hold?

For me self care is doing something I enjoy that gives back to myself and in turn to my husband, children, family and friends. Self care brings the better version of myself.

I decided to ask all of you on my instagram to help me with ideas on self care and I am so overwhelmingly happy with the responses that came flooding in. You guys! I received well over 300 of them and how I wish I could share each and every one I will share a few of my favorites and tag where they came from!

I will be the first to admit that I wasted so much time AND opportunity to self care before having children.  I truly took advantage of it all and didn’t appreciate it one bit. Today as a mother that time is so limited and filled with a to do list that seems never ending where I look back on how foolish I once was or laugh at what I used to think was busy. With never ending to do lists it can almost seem impossible to even fit in one thing for self care or even selfish when we know so many other things must get done. Here is the thing though that I have learned over the last few years. We can’t pour from an empty cup. We can’t be the better version of ourselves if we are constantly drained and spinning a hamster wheel. We have to carve out the time to find what brings us joy and fills our cup and make that a priority. The same way we make everything else a priority. We have to write down what self care means for us AND then take action to get it done.

I understand we live in a world where the clock moves fast and our feet move faster. We rarely slow down to enjoy that cup of coffee or indulge in a good book. We sign up for every activity possible and give everything + more back to our children. I am all for it mamas but over the years I have learned to slow down, say NO and say YES to more self care. Why? Because my cup becomes filled and I can pour so much more into my relationships when it is.

For me self care is opening up my bible or diving into a bible study with prayer, even if its only five minutes. Hot baths, strolls through Target and a good conversation with a sweet friend. Morning time to sip on my energy drink (rarely alone) and evenings soaking in a hot bath with the door locked. Days where I get FIVE minutes to hog the radio, roll the windows down, blast the music and move my hand in all sorts of motions outside the window while of course embarrassing my kids. I have been doing this ONE thing for as long as I can remember and if you have known me over 15 years you are probably nodding your head and laughing because you remember it well. Self care is a good book even if it means it is audio and of course fuzzy socks, warm fireplaces and a good Christmas hallmark movie.

I don’t get to do all of these daily or even weekly but I do find ONE thing daily to fill my cup and this month I am going to challenge myself to allow more self care into my life. I want to challenge you to do the same and would love to have you comment below with your self care tips + struggles!

Below I have included a few wonderful ideas for self care and the inspirational mamas who gave me these ideas! I know there is something for everyone. *Click the link to be directed to their instagram*



8 thoughts on “SELF CARE

  1. Once a week my hubby has a friend over for a cigar smoke and once I put my daughter to bed I take a bath and binge tv, it has been so helpful for me to refresh and take that time just for myself! I definitely feel it if I miss that time for some reason.


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